Press release

Innovation in the management of ESG performance indicators
Launch of Swiss digital platform WeProgress

Lausanne, July 5, 2024 - The new WeProgress digital platform project has been launched thanks in part to Innovaud's SyNNergie program. Developed by three partner companies to meet the ESG reporting needs and legal obligations of Swiss companies, WeProgress enables real-time ESG impact analysis and reporting. Consulting services for impact reduction, including the implementation of action plans and the definition of the scope taken into account, complete the WeProgress offering. This new ESG solution, developed and hosted in Switzerland, is designed to help companies make progress in improving their ESG impact. The platform is currently being developed with the help of customer ambassadors who are helping to shape the user experience and interfaces. Final implementation of WeProgress is scheduled for the end of August 2024.

Three partners of the French-speaking part of Switzerland at the cutting edge of technology and sustainability

The creation of WeProgress stems from the combination of three areas of expertise, which today enable the development of a platform at the cutting edge of technology and knowledge of ESG impacts. Alcane Conseils Sàrl, specialized in environmental issues and impact mitigation, brings its expertise in defining the perimeter and establishing the double materiality matrix, as well as the action plan. Scigility SA brings its experience in AI, data collection and management, while WNG SA, a digital agency, is responsible for the platform's user experience and interfaces. These three companies share a common vision to provide an innovative, secure, easy-to-access and advice-oriented ESG solution. The "WeProgress" project is headed by Henri Klunge, partner at Alcane Conseils.

An innovative digital ESG solution

The WeProgress platform automatically collects company data in real time. This data is processed to provide a graphical and entertaining view for monitoring and reporting, with relevance to the different ESG areas for the company. An action plan can be added to the platform to anticipate future impacts via AI and track the progress of actions to be taken. The platform can also be used to generate the company's ESG report. The data managed by WeProgress is hosted in Switzerland.

A platform aligned with the concerns of the Federal Council

The development of the WeProgress platform is also in line with the concerns of the Federal Council which, on June 26, decided to put out to consultation a strengthening of transparency and extra-financial reporting obligations for Swiss companies 1

Further information
Henri Klunge - 078 835 16 01

About Alcane Conseils Sàrl -

Based in Lausanne, Alcane Conseils offers environmental and impact reduction expertise to define the scope and obligations of companies according to the chosen benchmark. Alcane Conseils participates in drawing up the action plan and supports companies over the long term.
Contact: Henri Klunge - Partner - 078 835 16 01

About Scigility SA -

Based in Fribourg and Zurich, Scigility brings its expertise in artificial intelligence, data collection and data management. Scigility manages all technical aspects of the platform, as well as integration with the company's own software and that of WeProgress partners.
Contact: Christof Studer - Sales Director - 079 596 18 16

About WNG SA -

A digital agency based in Lausanne, WNG is in charge of designing the platform's user experience and interfaces. WNG is also responsible for creating the ESG report for inclusion in companies' annual reports.
Contact: Stéphane Grivat - CEO - 021 320 11 11

Annex: ESG introduction fact sheet